If You Could Re-purpose Existing Biology, What Would You Make?

Through this blog I am exploring how naturally-occurring molecules can be re-purposed to create new biology, particularly in the discovery of new medicines. I’m doing all this with the eyes of an artist - looking into the nuts and bolts of making using biology, as well as examining the ethics of whether we should be tinkering with biology, and what this says about us as humans.

If you’d like to read more, start with my primer on Synthetic Biology, published by the Biochemical Society.

Kathryn Garner Kathryn Garner

Keeping the Blood Flowing

Some venomous creatures interfere with the blood of their prey to ensure a good feed or to stop them in their tracks. Many of the molecules in their venom inspired the development of blood thinners used to prevent or break down blood clots.

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Kathryn Garner Kathryn Garner

Hello World

My journey from art to science started with a job scooping live crickets into tubs sold in exotic pet shops.

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Please note: I’m a scientist with a PhD, not a medical doctor, and although I write about medicines, the information on this blog should not be misconstrued as medical advice. If you’re looking for medical advice, please speak to your GP or other medical care provider.