
  • 2024

    Industry Talk

    CKD Summit

    Boston, U.S.

    Also 2023, 2022

  • 2023

    Flash presentation

    ELRIG High Content Imaging and Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery

    GSK, Stevenage, UK

  • 2023

    Invited speaker

    A tale of three High Content Imagers and me

    Molecular Devices Imaging Users Meeting


  • 2019

    Invited speaker

    Optogenetics: Shining a Light on Life

    'Biology in the Real World (BitRW)' talk at the Association for Science Education (ASE) Annual conference

    Talk sponsored by the Biochemical Society, the Royal Society for Biology, the Physiological Society, the Society for Endocrinology, and the Association for the British Pharmaceutical Industry

  • 2019

    Invited speaker

    High content imaging for monitoring signalling dynamics in single cells

    Society for Endocrinology BES 2019, Basic Physiology Workshop, ‘Imaging endocrinology from networks to organelles,’ The Brighton Centre, Brighton

  • 2017

    Invited speaker

    Using high content imaging data for mathematical modelling of GnRH signalling

    British Society for Neuroendocrinology, Mathematical Modelling of Neuroendocrine Systems symposium, University of Nottingham

  • 2017

    3 Minute Heroes talk

    UK Kidney Week, Liverpool, UK

  • 2015

    Early Career Scientist Talk

    ‘Celebrating 100 years of Women’s Membership of The Physiological Society’ symposium

    Hodgkin Huxley House, London, UK

  • 2013

    Visiting Lecture

    The Visual Communication of Science

    Lecture and practical session, MSc Science Communication

    University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK