Published Writing
Imaging Propels Our Kidney Assays to the Next Level
Blogpost on the Newcells Biotech website with illustration
Principles of Synthetic Biology.
Essays in Biochemistry, EBC20200059
Accessible review article aimed at 16-18 year-olds and first year undergraduate students
Creative Adventures Through COVID-19
Blogpost published on the Explorers Connect website
See Google Scholar for complete list of academic publications
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8539-8959
Invited Review
High content imaging for monitoring signalling dynamics in single cells
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 4: R91-R100
Unpicking GnRH signalling dynamics: mathematical approaches
Invited article co-written with Professor Craig McArdle for The Endocrinologist (magazine of the Society for Endocrinology), issue 122, p.7-8
Silent Signal: the Scientific Themes
Commissioned article about the science behind Silent Signal, a project which brought together six artists with six biomedical scientists to create experimental animations exploring the human body
Women Physiologists: Centenary Celebrations and Beyond
I was invited to contribute a chapter to this book and gave an Early Career Scientist talk at the book launch at The Physiological Society in London
Describing Complexity (Through Art and Science)
Invited article for Pharmacology Matters, magazine of the British Pharmacological Society, vol. 8, issue 1, p.14-15.
Accompanied by images of some of my paintings
A Cycle of Drawing in Research into Life at the Molecular Level
TRACEY Journal for Drawing and Visualisation Research, special edition: Drawing in STEAM. vol. 9, issue 2, p. 1-9
Following my oral presentation at Thinking Through Drawing 2012: Drawing in STEAM Drawing and Cognition Conference, Wimbledon College of Art, UK
Guest post on the Broaden Your Impact blog
Visual Communication of Thoughts about our Molecular Worlds: a Matter of Scale and Metaphor